Prompt in React Native

Learn how to create and personalize Prompt Alerts in React Native applications through our step-by-step guide.

In this tutorial, we'll show a quick way to request user information using Prompts.

What is the Prompt?

Alert.prompt(), in React Native, is used to get information from a user in a native popup, similar to Alert.alert(). This option is only available on iOS devices.


iOS Screenshot with the device frame displaying plain text prompt

Similar to Alert.alert(), the first 3 arguments are the same: title, message, and buttons. The next argument is used to provide the prompt type.

Available prompt types:

  • plain-text - Plain text input prompt (default)
  • secure-text - Secure text input prompt
  • login-password - Login and password prompt
import { Alert } from 'react-native';

  'Enter your new username below',
    {text: 'Cancel', style: 'destructive', onPress: () => {}},
      text: 'Submit',
      onPress: (username) => {
        // update username


iOS Screenshot with the device frame displaying secure text prompt

Secure prompt, just like secure TextInput, is usually used for password fields.

It is common for mobile apps to prompt user enter their password when performing high-security actions (like changing emails) to prevent account fraud.

const confirmPassword = () =>
  new Promise(resolve =>
      'Confirm Password',
      'Enter your current password for confirmation',
        {text: 'Cancel', style: 'destructive', onPress: () => resolve(null)},
        {text: 'Confirm', onPress: resolve},
  onPress={async () => {
    const currentPassword = await confirmPassword()

    if (currentPassword) {
      // verify password
  <Text>Confirm Password</Text>


iOS Screenshot with the device frame displaying login & password prompt

Lastly, Apple has created a way to enter both username and password in a single prompt.

const signInPrompt = () =>
  new Promise(resolve =>
      'Sign In',
      'Enter your credentials to log in:',
        {text: 'Cancel', style: 'destructive', onPress: () => resolve(null)},
        {text: 'Sign In', onPress: resolve},
  onPress={async () => {
    const credentials = await signInPrompt();

    if (credentials) {
      const {login, password} = credentials;
      // sign in
  <Text>Sign In</Text>

Default Value

If you need to provide a default value for the prompt, you can pass it as a 5th argument after the prompt type as shown below:

import { Alert } from 'react-native';

const defaultValue = `withframe`;

  'Enter your new username below',
    {text: 'Cancel', style: 'destructive', onPress: () => {}},
      text: 'Submit',
      onPress: (username) => {
        // update username

We hope you enjoyed this content and now better understand how to use Prompt in React Native.

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